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Writer's pictureBryce & Kaylee

Snowpocalypse In Texas!

Remembering the good times that this snow storm brought with it.

Sunday night, one of the worst winter storms that Texas has ever seen rolled through and covered the state in a snow that no one was prepared for. Fellow Texans (or just about everyone haha) knows that we were definitely not prepared for this kind of cold weather. Texans were seen in mismatched layers whatever waterproof things we could find in our closets. Some of us were able to escape the cold in our homes, however, some people were without power and water for days. Fortunately, we don’t encounter this type of weather very often.

I was grateful to have had power and water the past few days and housed some friends who didn’t. In the meantime, we were able to have a little bit of snow filled fun! On Monday, my friends Izzy and James drove over to my house. We made some homemade “snow cream” with some fresh powder snow and lots of milk, mixed in with some vanilla, sugar, and a dash of salt. After spending some time indoors, watching Julie and the Phantoms (my favorite show on Netflix right now), we ventured outdoors to play around my neighborhood. We took some cute pictures and videos, I juggled snowballs (which led to a snowball fight), and we attempted to build a snowman. According to the Northerner of the group (aka James), this snow wasn’t quite ready to be turned into a snowman due to the fact that it was very soft and difficult to pack together. But how was I supposed to know that? (haha) We ended our day together by driving to a nearby parking lot and doing what anybody with a truck would want to do when it’s icy outside, some parking lot donuts!

After Izzy and James had left, I got a text from Bryce’s sister, Amy, saying that she was without power or water. This led to some friends coming to join me for three nights (I was kinda excited to have some people join me over these few days haha). While we spent the majority of our days inside watching movies or playing board games (or searching nearby stores for food), we squeezed some fun times in there as well.

On Tuesday, we got up, and Sarah (Quinton’s dog) needed to get some of her energy out. The three of us took her on a walk to a field by my house so she could just run around as much as she wanted. We toss snowballs in the air for Sarah to try and catch and let her chase some big sticks. We really wanted to go sledding, and we just so happened to find an old wheelbarrow that we thought would fit the occasion quite perfectly. However, the thing about College Station is there are like no hills… anywhere… So, after some attempts on a small hill we thought might work (it didn’t), we settled with going to a nearby parking lot and pulling ourselves behind a car, in true Texas fashion. Other members of the Wyatt clan joined us in this adventure, and we all enjoyed this fun in the snow we were able to make for ourselves (except maybe Sarah haha).

The next day, after going to HEB for more food, Amy and I wanted to go walk around the campus of Texas A&M. It’s not that often that campus is covered in snow, so I wanted to see it for myself. By this time, the snow had mostly turned into solid ice or straight slush. Not much in between. But the trees had ice frozen over all of the branches which was the most magical part of it all. I wanted to walk over to see the Century Tree and any other snowy magic that came our way. When our hands started to get a little too cold, Amy said she wanted to see the giant Aggie Ring by the Association of Former Students building. That was our last stop around campus before heading back home.

While the cold wasn’t all that fun, being able to bring some laughter and smiles to these snow days was all that mattered. I write this to remember the days that surrounded this massive snow storm. These are a few days I want to be able to remember for more reasons than these happy memories.

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